Forex Robotron EA will only trade when it finds the highest probability entries based on years of historical testing. It does require patience & discipline as with any trading system.
Forex Robotron trades 21-22 GMT when USA DST is on (i.e. summer) and 22-23 When USA DST is off (i.e. winter). You do not need to adjust the hours during summer or winter, the hours are already set for you and GMT is automatically calculated by the Forex Robotron EA. These are by far the best trading hours for Forex Robotron based on historical testing over many years, they produce enough trades with high accuracy. It is not necessary to over trade for long term results. You only need to have your mt4 terminal running at these hours or outside these hours if there are open trades for Forex Robotron to manage
let’s look at the different input parameters of Forex Robotron EA in detail so you can gain an understanding of what each does and change them should you require it. This is also useful information for those who wish to optimize Forex Robotron by testing different combinations of the input parameters.
Input Parameters

- Robot Name – Name used for Forex Robotron in the trading terminal. This is the name displayed in the comments of the “trade” and “account history”.
- Max Spread – Maximum spread. Forex Robotron will not trade if the current broker spread for the currency pair is greater than this value (the spread can be equal to this value).
- Max Slippage – Maximum slippage. Slippage is the difference between the quoted price and the actual price the trade is entered. Forex Robotron will not trade if the price has moved greater than this value (slippage can be equal to this value).
- Hour Start – GMT Hour Forex Robotron begins.
- Hour End – GMT Hour Forex Robotron stops trading. There can be
- trades that are still open after these hours so keep your MetaTrader 4 terminal running at all times on your computer or VPS so the EA will manage these trades for you.
- Lots – If you set risk to false then you must set fixed lot size here instead. Make sure that you use a sensible lot size for your account balance
- Risk %– % of free margin to risk per trade. The risk % is calculated by dividing the free margin by 100 and then multiplying this figure by the risk. This gives us the amount in $ value that we will risk for the trade so we divide that by the stop loss which gives as the value per lot. The actual full risk is not always lost as you will find out more about from the stop loss explanation below.
- Minutes Sleep – How many minutes the EA will sleep after a losing trade. This is to avoid consecutive losing trades. Set to 0 to disable.
- Stop Loss – Stop Loss distance from entry. Forex Robotron uses a fixed “safety” stop-loss which is not always hit as the indicators used will usually close the trade for a win or loss beforehand. This has the advantage that you do not actually lose the full risk per trade, so you will actually lose less than expected some of the time.
- Take Profit – Take Profit target. Forex Robotron will usually close out a trade using the built-in indicators as this allows for a more flexible and less rigid approach to trading.
- Min Profit – The profit (in pips) after commission must be greater than this value for the dynamic close in profit to work. Historical testing showed this value is best left at 0, so no need to adjust.
- Dynamic Close Loss – Set to true to use dynamic close when the trade is in a loss. If set to false, fixed stop loss is used. If you don’t like the small losses from the dynamic stop loss, this set to false will keep a trade open until it closes in profit OR hits the full stop loss which may help cut out the frequent smaller losses. Obviously means a bigger loss when one full stop loss does happen (rarely) but can increase the win rate.
- Dynamic Close Profit – Set to true to use dynamic close when the trade is in profit. If set to false, fixed take profit is used. You should leave this set to true because the dynamic close for profitable trades works best to exit at the best opportunity (based on 10+ years of testing).
- Trade Friday – Set to true if you want to trade Friday. This is advised to be left false due to potential big weekend gaps that can cause big losses.
- Trade Sunday – Set to true if you want to trade Sunday. You may want to set to false if your broker has high spreads at the Sunday open.
- Trade Short – Set to true if you want the EA to place sell trades – NOT recommended.
- Trade Long – Set to true if you want the EA to place buy trades (default).
- Trading Aggressive – true = more trades but slightly riskier. False = fewer trades but safer (best based on 10+ years of testing).
- Use ATR – true = only trade if ATR is below the Max ATR level. Aims to avoid volatile markets.
- Max ATR– Only trade if ATR is below this level
![Forex Robotron – [Cost $999] – For FREE](
Every single trading system will have periods of drawdowns or stagnation. This can be days, weeks, or even months when the trading results are at break-even or a small loss. This is completely normal and part of trading. There is no trading system that does not go through such periods.
Forex Robotron is a long term fully automated trading solution that can have up and down days, weeks, and even months. But, based on historical testing it has performed when running for sustained periods of time.
You will see months where there was a small loss, some users may have started on that month and given up. But then the next month the robot may have performed better and made a profit. The markets are constantly changing.
Trading does require patience and discipline. Robotron will go days without trading. Again, this is normal as it looks for the highest probability trades based on 10+ years of backtesting over historical data. It prefers to take a few high probability trades than hundreds of lower probability trades.
- Read More Midaz Deo EA – [Cost $1500] – For FREE
In extremely extensive testing, Robotron has gone through weeks even months of stagnation but the overall results of testing are positive. Just because it did not make 100% in the first few days or weeks, it does not mean that it is not working. The markets are forever changing on nobody can be 100% correct 100% of the time.
So, a user may have a 0% week (break-even), followed by a -5% week, and perhaps then think the robot is “rubbish”. However, the following weeks could be much better. It is normal for bad days, weeks, and even months with any trading system. If we keep giving up and go onto the next system, this is a process that can continue forever because we never give any a real chance.
- Time Frame: 5 Minutes
- Trading Times: Between 21-23 pm GMT
- Version: 28, Released May 2020 (optional ATR filter added for volatility around pandemic)
- Trade Frequency: Approximately 500 trades per year (depends on market conditions)
- Brokers: Results can vary depending on brokers liquidity, spreads and slippage, So we recommend LQDfx for this EA or find the best broker for you HERE
Download a Collection of Indicators, Courses, and EA for FREE
How to Improve Results?
- Consider turning off dynamic close in loss to minimize smaller losses and increase win rate (will cause a bigger loss if the stop-loss is hit)
- Use a broker with better liquidity, execution speeds, tighter spreads, and lower commissions
- Run-on all 6 pairs for most trades possible
- It is normal for every trading system to go through good and bad
periods, that is trading. Patience and discipline are always required
Why Are My Results Bad?
- Brokers spread/slippage/commission could be too high
- You are running on pairs that are not EURUSD, EURCAD, EURAUD, EURCHF. EURGBP, USDCAD
- You are not using the default settings
- You have changed the trading hours (should be 22-23 always)
- You have set trade short to true (should be false)
- You have set dynamic close in profit to false (should be true)
- You have set min profit too high. Testing shows this best left at 0
- It is completely normal for every trading system to go through good and bad periods. Trading does require patience and discipline
- You are trading in aggressive mode
Why Is It Not Trading?
- Market conditions – it is normal for there to be days without trades if the market conditions are not suitable
- You do not have expert advisors(auto trading) enabled in mt4 and there is no smiley face on the chart
- You do not have mt4 running
- You have set a lot or risk size too high for your account equity and leverage
- Check experts/journals tabs and logs in mt4 for any errors
- Your broker’s spreads are too high. You can increase the max spread to 15

Check Forex Robotron EA Reviews HERE
Gerçek hesap başlangıç 100 dolar icin uygun muyuz admin….?
I appreciate all the premium tools you render for us here free.
But, I have this request, can you give us ARBITRAGE ROBOT<
we will look into it
Thanks so much.
Guys u are really doing a great work
hi, there is no download option for robotron ea
Thank you admin for your good job. Please can you upload TSR? thank you for seeing to that
Hi friend¡¡ Firstly,Ty for your work¡¡¡
Can you share Mercuryxpro full version?? i have a trial version valid until 31/05. I tried it and is very profitable.
+1. Really profitable.
Yu really doing a great work man keep it up
That’s normal?
Thank you dear. Could you please look into Titan G7 by Blue Edge Financial? Thank you very much
Titan G7 EA – [Cost $279] – For FREE
lots of good reviews on AGIMAT PRO EA. since it means ( supernatural powers ) could do a post and review on it. i cant get a hand on it.
I have Agimat PRO, latest edition. If you want I can email it to you.
There are a whole bunch of files with it
Can you please give me your email?
Hi, Yes could you email it to me?
[email protected]
[email protected]
please send me also this EA
hey bro can u email it to me please. but does it actually work ? and does it make any profit?
do you know mikemoney`s robot?
This is an older version. I’d have a newer version with a new setting except it is a locked license version. I can send it to you. Please let me know how I can send it to you. Thank you very much
you can send to admin here:
could you share link download here ?
Please dont send to ““, you can post it on our forum or send to [email protected]
I just sent it to [email protected]
the new version is unlocked or not, I want to use it. thank you
Admin Upload KareemEA
Thanks for your good work here,,,,i really appreciate your effort…i look forward to Odin robot….thanks
Also if you can get this Forex Robot Big Banks Copier EA….learnt its also very good. thanks
Thanks for uploading Odin Robot….Good job…
best ea so far thanks.
thanks for all the tools you offer friend.
Could you help us get the Surf Market EA robot please.
I am not able to open rar file. i am getting error.
updated to a .zip file
not working, missing libraries files. please send
Robotron EA id not placing any trade of given currency pairs please suggest
it take time
Link doesn’t work!
brother forex roboton v28 not down loading some errors
you have EA V5 PRO 2020
unzip error,..please update,.
it was a .rar file updated to a zip file. it should work now
Thank admin so much!
thank you for sharing please upload this also
Hi Everyone / Admin can you guys tell me if there is any robot working with profits? I tried multiple like famous currently on this forum as well like ODIN I paid for it and put it on live account but same story drawdown complete equity, I applied the safest parameter values. Can anyone guide and if I can get any robot working for me for profit, I will be really greatful also ready to share my profit.
algo gold 2.0 for XAUUSD pair ( i found safe settings after burning two accounts lol. or if you want steady low drawdown profits AF DR Scalper . I found great settings for this and you can start with as low as $200.
Can you share with me on your settings?
can you share that ?
hi Dari, send him by email please: [email protected]
Can you share your settings with me as regard Odin robot
It doesn’t open trades
This EA works Fine
Anyone provide the lisence no for robotron for live acc.
I would great help
what did you mean?
Is this a cracked because lisence is 12345
Which is not working on real
it works on live
hi bro, been looking for the link of free download of this EA, unfortunately I couldn’t find it. Appreciate it if you or somebody here can give me the link. Thank you.
Guys is this is a cracked or just normal demo version??
Please guide
It’s Cracked version and work in live and demo
This is the only EA that on a long term backtest makes profit without blowing an account. I have tested it with 2003 till today with many currency pairs and it works fine… just don’t change the default settings or you’ll blow your account. Only thing that I changed from default and it gave better results is short trading as yes, and aggressive trading as yes.
Hi. Can you confirm that the trading hours don’t need to be adjusted to the broker time? The EA will work it out automatically?
Yes, it is auotmatically adjusted.
cool cheers
Hi, I’m new to Forex, I need help. =(
I downloaded the same, how to run or configure it?
I tried to unzip it, is it correct? What should I do after unzipping the same? By the way, does anyone know where to get accurate Forex signals? Do I need it or using Bot alone is good enough? Thank you.
You can learn more on
When I go to drag it onto a chart, I get a said face in the upper right corner.
Try this
This ea looks ok I don’t know if anyone can get this
or anyone can also get this one looks good 2
MT4 EA Title: Perfect Score
what is the best ea(profitable) for mt4? please respond asap thank you
Hey brother,
I left robotron on for 2 weeks and no trades on live account, default settings, auto trading on, happy face, everything I could possibly do but it doesn’t work can you fix
Thank You
Did you set the time frame to 5min and what broker are you trading with? There are a 1 pip spread and slippage control so if you are trading with a standard account then the spread is most likely about above 1 pip during that time.
John thank you for the time frame advice. I was looking to buy months now this EA. Thanks to everybody , I am going to test it and come back
how was your results
Also looking for an EA “REAL PIPS ROBOT” anybody knows this EA?
Hey, Where is the link to download for free so I can check it ou?
@Silent Hi bro, I cant find the Download link for this Robotron V28 EA ? Why is it missing from this web? Is there a way to get it? Thanks!
where is the donwload link?
There is no download link, only for review?
Hi admin,
I cant download the robot, the link leads to review page and the other link leads to official site of the robotron! Please help me to download the cracked version.
Thank you in advance
How download forex robotron
Where is link?
Link is gone? Now there’s an affiliate link…
Thanks for the crack, will test it on my account, theres a new robot called Steady (link attached). It’s both Mt4 and Mt5 and I think it could be super promising, any chance you could crack it?
why the robotron ea v28 cannot be download, can u check please admin
tried on vps for 2 weeks but does not work. No trades at all.
There is no link to download the robotron EA can you please look into it.
You are doing a great work admin. Please provide Steady MT4 EA I will be very glad.
Theres no dl link
Greetings Sirs! Do you have any news about where is the dl button?
admin where is the link
download link not working
need admin, to crack v35.
Forex_Robotron_V35_Bullex [].ex4
Please help me, I run backtest this EA and error message display:
” Alert: Wrong license! Please read instructions.”
I think license is wrong.
Thank you admin for your good job. Please can you upload Forex Flex Ea?I think it’s the best Ea…
link download is not working, please
Hi Admin pls download link.
No DL link anywhere, please add the link, thanks!
ciao , conoscete un discreto EAper il dax tranne angel o bot dax!! gia’ testati scarsi risultati
No download link!
hi all any update or new lisnees key for this ea ?